This week, Baby Snugs is the size of a Navel Orange!

Weight: 4.94 oz

Length: 5.12 inches (crown to rump)

Oh, the Snow!

This morning we woke to an overnight blizzard.
And the whole family, even Penny Lane, got in on the fun!


Ode to my Husband

This is my husband.
And he is the MOST.
I love him. I adore him. I learn from him. I'm better because of him.
 And on this Valentine's Day, as I watch him do simple things like fix a cup of coffee, or push up his glasses as he reads, or look up at me and smile, I'm given these little glimpses into my husband's heart, and I get to see just how pure in heart he truly is. My husband, though imperfect and still in transition, understands the heart of God in ways that I only do because of him. And as we are put to one test after another, I see him rise to every occasion leading our little family in what it looks like to extend grace upon grace and mercy upon mercy in a plethora of situations.
Though you are only on loan to me in this lifetime, you are all mine.
My lover and my friend.
The first time we ever hung out--LA Dodgers Game--
The dinner you spent a majority of the night chasing me around :)
 But by the end of this 114 degree hike and weekend, I knew I'd met my husband.
The first meal you ever cooked me.
Where you told me you loved me for the first time.
 When you asked me to marry you.
When we continuously joked about scrapping the entire wedding and just eloping in Vegas.
 But we made it to that day, and it was well beyond worth it.
Oh, AND I got to see you bust your first move!

I love this man.
My forever Valentine.


Side Swiped

I know....
I know I've been posting a lot regarding the little babe lately.
It's simply because this little miracle came at the perfect time. 
Robert and I probably wouldn't have planned it this way
...like ever... 
but what do we know anyway right!?
However, taking a break from that subject matter for a minute, I have to confess, God is rocking me in many an area lately. Honestly, HONESTLY, I really didn't think there could be life after Los Angeles for us me. I know, DRAAAAMA QUEEN...
But seriously.
Even truer truth to be told, I have spent much of our first month here fairly....ummm... anti-social. I guess a more correct statement would be "professionally social"...ie: I'm social because I should be... 
BUT every time I drag my [platformed] heels to an event or a gathering that I lament I do not want to attend, I walk away wishing we could have stayed longer.
What happened to the Colorado I vowed I would never return to!? 
You know, the one I hated and cursed and refused to ever speak kind words of...
Somehow it has been replaced with [legit] [Christian] community that actually wants to go out of their way to get to know Robert and I....that actually welcomes Robert and I into their home for dinner (after only having had a 10 minute conversation with us)...who actually takes a genuine interest in us and our lives....who actually lives out the Gospel. 
What is going on here!?
Blessing after Blessing, that's what.
Nobody will ever be able to replace my heart friends, those friends that still reside back in LA, those friends that really are more like family
Jesus sure is showing me that He is far more in tuned and involved than I ever seem to give Him credit for.
Thank you for the reminder Jesus.
Credit: all You.

15 Weeks

15 WEEKS (...and 4 days)

The Little Snuglet(te) facts:

1. Baby weighs 2.47oz

2. Baby is 3.98 inches crown to rump (haha...I'm immature)

3. Baby is the size of a PEAR!

 Annnnnd the bump.
(I guess it was a Stevie Nicks inspired day....hormones are weird...)
Annnnd maybe another...why not.


For Your Consideration Friday

Now don't get me wrong, I loved Les Miserables 
(the book, the musical, the made for TV mini series, the freaking MOVIE) 
as much as the next French Revolution loving woman. And I thought that the performances in the movie version were incredible.
(So did The Man...swear.)

But when I came across this little number, it tugged on a piece of my heart and made me love it for an all new mountain of reasons.

Enjoy....OHHHH enjoy!
